Mission Partnerships
Local Missions & Associational Partnerships

LHF endeavors to reach the college campus with the Gospel. Through our partnership with Hanna Sue Watkins and Campus Outreach, LHF has a presence at Eastern Kentucky University in nearby Richmond. We also enjoy a partnership with the Baptist Campus Ministries at the University of Kentucky.

As a partner with the Central Kentucky Network of Baptists, LHF works together with over 100 churches in the central Kentucky area to help enhance ministry efforts to the people of the Bluegrass. Believing we are better together, LHF unites with other ministries for local missions and outreach we couldn't do alone.

Our church participates in a united effort across the city of Lexington to engage in round the clock 24/7 prayer for our city. The first Thursday of each month, Living Hope commits to 24 hours of prayer for Lexington, its churches, leaders and neighborhoods. We believe the ministry of prayer is vital in reaching our city.

Since missions is the heartbeat of Living Hope, we believe not only in giving sacrificially to the mission cause, but actively taking part in the mission when we can. For this reason, LHF takes at least one mission trip a year along with engaging in local mission trips and service projects in our local schools and community.
Foreign Missions
The Great Commision of Christ. The Heartbeat of Living Hope.

For more than 2 decades, LHF has has enjoyed a partnership with the Bansood family in Nagpur, India. Teams from LHF have assisted the work in Nagpur in many ways to reach the Indian people. The work which continues to take place in this nation is a testament to the glory of God and the beauty of involved partnership.

For more than 10 years, LHF has been active in South Africa through partnership with Koos Basson and IMD Africa. Teams from LHF have served in South Africa by helping with construction projects, leading gospel crusades and helping with hosting children's camps and school projects.

LHF is proud to partner with Word of Life ministries in Paraguay. Josi and Emme Acevedo lead the ministry in Paraguay which is involved in student camps, school ministry, outreach and evangelism and much more. Along with financial support, the partnership enables teams from LHF to take part in the ministry

The Philippines is our newest mission partnership. Roehl Tanedo and his family are Filipino nationals who have a heart for church planting, having planted over 10 churches on the Philippines' main island. The Tanedos also help to lead a training institute, prison ministry and children's refuge.