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Our History

Living Hope Fellowship began as a group of believers who wanted to experience church in a real way! We wanted to get rid of the aspects of the church that cause disunity; such as church politics and church as a business organization, and wanted to embrace ways we can operate more like a family; such as appointing an Elder Team, and focusing on building relationships not programs.


When LHF first began, we were renting a space at an old hotel (The Kentucky Inn) in Lexington, Kentucky.  In 2004 we moved to a small church building off of Regency Road which allowed us more space for our congregation and a better opportunity to reach a surrounding community.  God blessed us immensely at that location, and we soon developed a need for additional space and land to give us room to grow as a church.  In August of 2005, we moved to the location we are in now on Grace Drive. In 2010 we expanded our building by adding a larger entryway, additional classrooms and a space for our youth to gather. 

Since our inception, it has been the desire of Living Hope to be a church that exhibits the love of Christ and provides a living picture of His Kingdom here on earth. We have seen seasons of growth, both through evangelism and through seeing the Lord lead us through two different mergers with other congregations. These mergers have served to be a beautiful example of what God intends church to be -- the family of God on His mission together.

Our Dream

It is our dream that the Holy Spirit will work among the people of Living Hope in such a way as to bring freedom, joy and peace in Him.  We are HOPING for a lot of things!  We have hope that Jesus will mold us into a group of people who are known by our love for Him and for one another.  We have HOPE that our fellowship will remain flexible and committed to the things that will make us more like Jesus.  We have HOPE  that those who visit Living Hope Fellowship will find a refreshing family atmosphere.  We have HOPE  that the relationships we develop will provide tremendous support for one another through the ups and downs of life.


We pray that God would continue to grow the Church and use all of us to reach those in need!

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